I've found that although defrosted milk looks a little weird (it separates and there are chunks in it), it works great when used in baking. Here's how I save it for later use.
- Label the bag with the amount and what's inside (easier to do before it's filled).
- Measure out the milk and fill the bag.
- Store in a tupperware container (just in case the bag leaks) and freeze. Once it's frozen, you can stack the bags in the freezer without the tupperware containers.
All ready to go in the freezer. Each tupperware container has two bags of milk each.
Defrost the milk on the counter or in the fridge, making sure to have it in a container to catch any defrosting mess!
That's a great tip. I'm going to remember that. My hubby added orange juice to the list right before I left for the store. Lucky me...I found some marked down at Safeway for only 1.99 each - wished I had a coupon though!
Lucky you! I am always on the lookout for markdown milk (especially the Organic Valley as I have lots of coupons!) I rarely find any though! I usually freeze it as well, but I love your method of freezing! I bet the 1/2 defrosted milk would work well in smoothies too!
I often buy "bulk" milk when it's on sale and freeze it. I just let it defrost itself in the fridge and then shake the container before I open it and have never had a problem with it seperating or having chunks in it. I usually will buy the 1/2 gal containers, but have also froze the gal containers and it defrosts fine. We use it on cereal or for chocolate milk without any problems. This of course is just my experience. I love having frozen milk on hand because I live in the boonies and running to the store for just milk is crazy.
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