When going Organic on a budget, it's helpful to know which fruits and veggies have the most pesticide exposure. In fact, it's estimated that if you avoid eating the top twelve non-organic fruits and veggies with the highest exposure, you can avoid your pesticide exposure by 80%!
The Dirty Dozen
• Apples
• Bell Peppers
• Celery
• Cherries
• Imported Grapes
• Nectarines
• Peaches
• Pears
• Potatoes
• Red Raspberries
• Spinach
• Strawberries
Top Ten Cleanest Fruits & Veggies
- Bananas
- Kiwi
- Mango
- Papya
- Pineapples
- Asparagus
- Avocado
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Corn
- Onions
- Peas
What is your source for this information?
Greendaily.com, Environmental Working Group, ABC News, Oregon Live, Green Thinkers, etc.
Thanks for the info! That is very helpful. : )
Thanks. Here's a link to the Environmental Working Group's site, for people who want more information: http://www.foodnews.org/
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