I'm not usually a Target shopper. I'd like to be, but there just isn't time for all the stores. But today I needed a large enough variety of things, and had seen some good deals so I made the trek. Here are some of the good deals I got:
1 Seventh Generation cleaner $2.99Use $1
Target coupon & $1 mfq = $.99!
(I had been hoping to find a $5 rebate form attached to one of the products, but didn't find anything.)
Starbucks coffee $7
Used $1.50 Target coupon & $1 mfq = $4.50
Curious George DVD $6.99
Use $5 save on groceries offer on DVD = $1.99!
Target pillow $2.54Erika
Can I ask which target had the DVD with the coupon sticker? I'm not having much luck. Thanks!
There were lots at the Clackamas store when I was there yesterday.
Great! Thanks :)
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