Here's what I got:
2 Garden of Eaten chips (160z.) $1.99 ea. after coupon
3 Pacific Village organic chicken broth $1.50 after coupon
1 Spectrum canola oil $2.99 after Chinook coupon
1 Stahlberg frozen sweet potatoes $.59 after Chinook coupon
1 New Season organic french bread FREE after Chinook coupon
1 Woodstock organic peanut butter $3.50
1 Earthbound organic lettuce $1.79
5 Clif bars $.59 ea. after 2 Chinook coupons
3 Organic oranges
1 Organic sweet potato
1 bunch organic cilantro
Final Total: $24.17!
I've been really trying to keep my spending within the $250 budget I've had set for myself for the last year. I still have $24 left for the month, so I'm actually pretty happy and almost surprised by that considering that almost everything I've bought this month is what I would consider either "local and natural" (ie. Tillamook cheese) or Organic. I've been doing a lot of research and reading regarding individual companies, and have learned so much.
1 comment:
Great job Erika!! :D
now I want a baguette w/ butter :P
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