Thursday, September 3, 2009

Willow Update

Willow is 12 days old already. Where has the time gone?! Things have been busy of course, but have gone amazingly smoothly. Both Aspen and Journey love their sister and are very proud and protective of her. Journey is a little mommy and takes every chance she gets to hold, love and kiss her. Aspen is more of a boy about it all and doesn't care too much about her right now other than the quick love in passing.

I've been blessed with a very sweet, peaceful baby once again. I didn't think I could get so lucky twice in a row and was expecting a much rougher transition than it has been (Journey was a great, super mellow baby too). Willow is starting to sleep better at night in the last couple days which has helped a lot too.

This is a busy time for us not only with the transition of a new baby, but also because Aspen is going to be starting Kindergarten next week. This is his first time going to school, and I'll be honest, I've been having a tough time with this milestone! We are finally getting to tour his new school today (it's a brand new school and they have just now finished it). Yes, it really is real and happening....

I'm easing my way back into posting as I have time. Thankfully Christina has been doing a great job picking up the slack for me.



Rebecca Rose said...

Willow almost looks like a different baby now that she isn't so newborn. She is just so adorable! I'm glad she's being an mellow baby so far and hope she continues to be an mellow baby. I enjoy reading the updates. You're kids are so cute!

Lisa said...

I love it when babies were baby rings or bracelets. Where did you get the bracelet for Willow?

Pam said...

LOVE the picture of your 3 "babies"...such adorable children you have!