Thursday, September 24, 2009

Family Update & Menu Plan

Willow is now 4 weeks old, and I haven't been able to post much lately. I am still trying to get the juggling act of three kids down. Plus, Willow hasn't been sleeping much during the day. Naps are very few and far between. I don't ever seem to have any time where at least one kid isn't up (my 5 year old still takes naps). We also just found out that Willow has reflux.

I'm praying that things will calm down soon, and Willow will start sleeping. I haven't been able to do any office work for my husband in the last 4 weeks (do you know what 4+ weeks of mail looks like?!), and I feel bad that I'm not able to spend much time with Aspen and Journey since so much of my day is taken up with Willow.

Right now I'm keeping to the basics of laundry, house cleaning and trying to get dinner together at least half the time. Menu planning and my crock pot have become necessities for me. I'm so glad I got into the habit before I had the baby!

So here's the plan for this week:

Tuesday: Leftovers, kids out to eat w/ daddy

Wednesday: Fish tacos

Thursday: End of the Summer Harvest Soup, sourdough bread
(Mmmm, so good and easy. You have to try this one!)

Friday: Grilled salmon, asparagus, bread

See how far behind I am? I wrote most of this up Sunday, but haven't gotten around to posting it until today!


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