Friday, May 22, 2009

Safeway: Making Overage Work For You

One of the ways I stay in budget grocery shopping is by using coupon overage to pay for items I really need. Here is an example of what I did today. A quick look through my grocery cash last night revealed that I have very little left for the rest of the month. Only $37!

With a little over a week left of the month, I am trying to be really careful on what I spend this weekend, but we are also heading to the beach with my family for the holiday and I have meals that I am responsible for! What I really needed was the garbanzo beans (to make hummus). I bought the pasta and wipes for the overage they provided, not to mention, they are all useful items. Here's how the transaction looked:

2 cans S&W garbanzo beans $1 each
3 Wacky Mac pasta
1 travel sized Wet Ones

-3 $.75 pasta IP's
-$1 Wet Ones IP
-$2 DBL
Final Total: $.72!

I received $1.28 in overage that I used to go toward the purchase of the cans of beans. When you have so little left over to make it until the end of the month, every dollar counts!



The life of Jayne said...

AWESOME!! You are a pro-

Emily said...

I agree!

My mom, who does not coupon, needed the ingredients for a big pasta salad she's making for a friend's wedding. She needed lots of spiral noodles, olives, and Italian dressing. I was able to use the overage from the Wacky Mac & Kraft salad dressing to pay for most of the olives. Everything I needed for way less than I was expecting to pay. I love it when that happens!