I wanted to make a quick post of some of the great coupons I have received lately.
1. I got my P&GbrandSAVER booklet with over $120 in coupons. read about here! example: $1 Bounce & Tide coupons.
2. I got $3 off of $10 coupon & a Free Jar of Beech-Nut coupon by signing up at: Being Well Baby here, at Save-A-Lot. I plan on using this $3/$10 at Albertsons!
3. I received the $10/$50 plus other Safeway coupons in Tuesdays Food/Day, plus I got 2-$10/$50 & $30 GC for New or Transferred Rx at Safeway in the mail that exp: 3/4/09!
4. FREE "Women's Day" Mag when you sign up here!
So clipping coupons, and signing up for coupons, and freebies is definitely worth it!
Now if those 2-$15 Gift cards from Olay would come soon, that would really make my day.
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