24 pack Cottonelle TP
9 pack Viva paper towels
1 mega pack Hugglies baby wipes
2 SFWY 3.5 lb pancake mix
2 boxes Wheat Thins
2 boxes Triscuits
2 Tropicana Premium Orange Juice
1 Organic milk
1 pt. half & half
1 qt. Mt. High yogurt
1 lb. Lucerne butter
1.70 lbs. green grapes
10 lbs. potatoes
- $10/$50 SFWY coupon
- 2 $2 Nabisco mfq
- $1/2 Tropicana OJ mfq
- $.75 Huggies wipes coupon found in box of wipes
- $.35 Viva mfq
- $.50 Cottonelle mfq
- $.50 Mt. High mfq
- $2 SFWY double
- $.06 bag credit
Total OOP: $39.09 and got $5 back on gift card for spending $25 on the Kimberly-Clark product promo (the products I bought are above in italics). This promo didn't work for me so I took my receipt and the ad advertising the promo to the customer service desk. They gave me a $5 GC since the cat didn't print out.
1 head Romaine lettuce $1.50
cilantro $.79
organic oranges $.59/lb
peaches $.99/lb
sweet potatoes $.79/lb
honey crisp apples $.69/lb
Total OOP: $9.26
WOW! I am heading to Safeway today to get in on that $10 off $50, and the K.C $5 off...Awesome!
Also, where is the Portland Fruit Co. ?
Nice Job Erika! that's so weird how the SmartSource insert advertised the Kimberly-Clark deal at Safeway and the CAT's don't even print. Glad you got the $5 GC!
There are two Portland Fruit Co.'s in the Portland area - one is off of 82nd and Foster and the other is around 195th and Division.
I would advise you to take a copy of the advertizement of the $5 GC promo with you just in case the promo doesn't come off for you. I was glad I had a copy since it wasn't advertized in their sales ad.
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