Friday, January 16, 2009

January Budget Check-up

Well, it's half way through the month already. It's gone fast! I haven't been posting as much lately because I have been working a little more, and I've been a little more sick and much more tired the last couple weeks. I am nine weeks pregnant so hopefully in another month I will be feeling more like myself. You know I'm not feeling too good when I didn't even hit Albertsons last week for their get $15 when you spend $30 deal (except to get some diapers) or double any coupons with their once in a lifetime coupon doubles!

Anyways, I have $105 left in my grocery budget, $20 in my household budget and $132 in eating out. I will probably have to wait on a few things I want to get (new clothes for my daughter), but this is a want and not a need. I just love shopping for her! Also, my husband just decided that he is starting a diet. Normally this would be fine, but he is doing the Atkins diet meaning lots of meat, cheese, etc. Not the kind of stuff that has a lot of coupons associated with it. With the meat we already have in the freezer, I think we should make our budget, at least this month!

1 comment:

Saving 4 My Family said...

Erika, I definitely hope you start feeling better soon & get back into the coupon shopping!! Let us know if Mark goes to the store for you and uses those coupons...I'm always impressed when the hubby's do that. If you still have Cat's from the Albies deal & $105 left, then you are doing pretty well for the month.

Christina :-)