Sunday, December 21, 2008

December Budget Check-up

It's a little over half way through the month now, and I like to reevaluate how I am doing with my budget for the month at about this time. You can go here to see my goals for the month of December.

I started with $200 in my grocery budget, and at this point, I have $25 left. Yes, it will be tight! I actually had $76 up until Friday, but the snowy weather has thrown things off a bit. We were able to get out to go to coffee on Saturday morning, and on the way home my husband decided that we should get stuff to make home-made pizzas for dinner and a few other essentials if we weren't able to get out for the next few days. Of course, I didn't have any coupons with me! So hopefully I can make the rest of the money work until the end of the month.

As far as other goals, our credit card is paid off, and we have the rest of the money we needed to pay off our car. My husband wants to wait on actually paying off the car for a few more weeks. This is due to some business stuff that he is waiting to come through. So we'll see if we are able to make this goal.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Great job Erika! You are doing great considering it's Christmas and this crazy weather!:-0