Sunday, December 14, 2008

$120 in P&G Coupon Savings by mail

Receive $120 in P&G Coupon Savings by mail here, with the purchase of $50 worth of P&G Products starting today 12/14/08. Get your rebate form here.

** Request most be postmarked by 2/14/09!

Also, you can register at P&GeSAVER to get coupons added to your "savings club" card at the P&G Coupon Savings link. Look for where you can add e-coupons to your club card.
I was able to add coupons to my Safeway Club card.

***Edit: I tried buying Tide today, and the e-coupons did not come off. If that happens to you, log into your P&G account, click on the "help" tab, and email them about the problem.***


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