Monday, September 8, 2008

Smith Rocks

This Weekend Ryan, his brother-in-law Aaron, and his dad went to Smith Rocks, Oregon for rock climbing and camping.

They ended up doing a two pitch climb, or two robe lengths that was about 400 ft high.

Here is Ryan climbing "Into Thin Air". It was about a 5 mile hike to the climb.

Bill and Ryan taking a little break, while Aaron is above on the 2nd rope.

This was Ryan's last hoo-rah before starting school at OHSU. But he hopes to do this more when the opportunity arises...

Ryan and Aaron at the Metolius River that flows through Smith Rocks, where they had to boulder out of this canyon.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Wow, those are some really cool pictures. Looks like fun. How was your weekend?